serb offline since may 2023

see for new server (2024-03).

backup info, world/server downloads

fetch world downloads with git (full history)

get hash of commit corresponding to world version here.

(in empty directory)
git init
git pull --depth=1 git:// <hash>

download full server files

must download world separately. 2023-01 -> 2023-02-19 = GTNH v2.2.3 or v2.2.7, 2023-02-19 -> 2023-03-26 = GTNH v2.2.10, ~2023-03-14 onwards is v2.3.x (v2.3.2 should work*). A few world downloads can be found here as well (i.e. world backup immediately before update). Client files are mirrored here too.

server files

/mmcg/ mirrored files

found here. updated infrequently.

below kept for posterity

/mmcg/ GTNH serb (yuro takeover edition) (rip)

This host was last running an instance of GTNH 2.3.2 on

something else is coming soon(tm)


Beyond GregTech: New Horizons 2.3.2, this server requires clients to have Satchels 1.0.7 to join. LagGoggles support will be added when a compatible build of falsepatternlib is available.

A kind anon made this pasta to assist in shilling the serb


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Backups are collected every 2 hours, 18 are stored at a time.

Download the most recent backups here: backups. Older backups can be found here: archive